吳牧師: 疫境靈糧五分鐘 (5-Minute devotion during the pandemic) adminMay 5, 2018February 15, 2023 Uncategorized 吳牧師: 疫境靈糧五分鐘 5-Minute devotion during the pandemic 日期 中文 English 題目 Name 05-01-20 公義的審判 God’s righteous judgment 04-29-20 絕地之歌 Song of the Desperate 04-27-20 所求所想 Our thoughts and our prayers 04-07-20 新居家模式 New Living Arrangement 04-03-20 萬事互相效力? All things work together? 03-31-20 神容許疫情? God permits the pandemic? 03-26-20 徨恐不安? Feeling unsettled? 03-24-20 身心康泰 Stay Healthy 03-22-20 安家之道 Peace at Home 03-20-20 疫境靈糧 Food for your soul ← COVID-19疫情預防安排公告 2020 Retreat recording 退修會視頻錄製 →