親愛的樂道基督浸信會會友,這是我們的第二份公告。 我們將定期更新內容。 以前的公告刊登在教會的網頁上。
Dear Logos Baptist Church family: This is our second announcement. We will send these updates regularly. Previous ones are accessible on our web site.
- 主日崇拜Sunday Worship
新的在線崇拜平台– 從本週日3/22開始,我們將從FaceBook Live切換到Zoom廣播我們的網上崇拜。Zoom是個更新、更高質素和更易使用的平台。多虧了我們忠心和高效率的敬拜團隊,他們已進行了排練和測試。 請閱讀本公告末的簡單使用說明之B2步驟。
如果您錯過了,不用擔心。 像往常一樣,您可以聽講道的錄音。 此外,您還可以觀看整個崇拜的視頻。
New Live-Stream Worship Platform – Beginning this Sunday we will switch from FaceBook Live to Zoom to broadcast our online worship service. It is a newer, better quality and easier to use platform for our online service. Thanks to our dedicated and fast acting worship team, they have tested and performed a rehearsal. Please read the simple log in instructions at the end of this announcement.
If you miss it, don’t worry. As usual you can listen to audio recording of the sermon. In addition you can also watch a video of the whole service.
- 網上靈修 Listen to Online Devotion
我將開始定期發布與此病毒情況有關的靈修信息。聖經中有大量實際和相關的資料。 讓我們學效詩人的榜樣:“我要向群山舉目” 並相信 “我的幫助是從造天地的耶和華而來”。(詩121:1-2)
I will begin to post audio devotions related to this virus situation regularly. The bible has a tremendous amount of material that is helpful and relevant. Let us follow the example of the Psalmist: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains,” and trust that “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Ps. 121:1-2)
Whenever there is a new posting on the church’s web site, you will receive a notification.
- 保持聯繫、主動接觸 Stay connected and reach out to one another
Without a weekly gathering when we could see each other face to face, and with people confined to their home during this shelter in place order, it is all the more important to stay connected.
我建議您的小組建立一個互相關顧的系統。 提名一人擔任關顧協調員。如果需要購買食物或其他必組品卻又不便外出,可通知護理協調員。目標是每人每周至少兩次與家庭外的另一個人聯繫和傾談。
I suggest your small group set up a system to check up on each other. Nominate someone to act as a care coordinator. If there are needs for supplies, grocery shopping, etc., let the care coordinator know. The goal is that each person is in touch with another person outside of the home at least two times a week.
當您打電話時,可詢問對方的生活狀況,問他們是否需要任何幫助,以及如何為他祈禱。 這很簡單,每個人都可以做到。如果您在靈修或在線閱讀或收聽廣播中有一段聖經鼓勵你,請務必分享。 我保證這是彼此鼓勵最有效的途徑。
When you call, just ask how the person is doing, whether they need any help, and how can you pray for him. It is very simple, everyone can do it. If there is a verse from the Bible that encourages you from your own devotion, reading on line, or listening to the radio, by all means share that. I guarantee you that it will be tremendously uplifting to the other person.
現今也是與非信徒慕道者朋友接觸的最好時機。您的致電關心會成為一份叫他驚喜的禮物。 您這愛心行動會叫耶穌喜悅。只要簡單地拿起電話,無需走出屋外,神可以使用您來實現祂的目的。
It is also a great time to reach out to your non-believer, seeker friend. Just call to show you care. Your call will encourage that person, it will please Jesus Christ. God can use you to accomplish His purpose when you simply pick up the phone, without taking a step outside.
- 您可以在小組中使用「講道應用」You can use Sermon Applications as your Small Group program
For your small group Bible study or book study programs, you can consider using “Sermon Applications” for this purpose. This allows the group to review the sermons, to better retain the Biblical truth, and most importantly, to share how they will apply the truths.
帶領者指南包含破冰者問題、建議答案以及有關如何帶領討論的提示。此外還提供講道腳本,以便小組成員可以事先閱讀。 Pioneer小組已經使用了「講道應用」數年。
The leader’s guide contains ice-breaker questions, suggested answers and tips on how to lead the discussion. The sermon script is also supplied so that group members can read the text or listen to the sermon beforehand. The Pioneer small group has been using it for a few years.
- 在星期三晚上參加我們的禱告會。 Join our prayer meeting on Wednesday nights.
我知道您熱愛教會,也經常為教會祈禱。 但是祈禱是一場屬靈的戰爭, 一起祈禱是得勝之道。由於某些人在晚上開車去教會總是不很方便,因此病疫情況為在線祈禱提供了新的機會。
I know you love the church and pray for the church and our people regularly. But prayer is a spiritual battle. Praying together is the way to victory. But since driving to church at night is not always convenient for some, this virus situation opens up new opportunities for praying together – online.
The same way you join worship online, you can join Wednesday night prayer meetings in the comfort of your own home 7:30 pm.
您將更加了解我們所關注的禱告項目和教會最新消息。 當我們使用“分組功能”時,您可以與自己的小組一起祈禱。您會與教會家庭有更多在屬靈上的聯繫。 我邀請您嘗試。
You will be more informed about the prayer items and latest development of issues we follow. And you can pray with your own small group when we use the “Breakout Room” feature. You will feel more connected to the church family spiritually. I invite you to try it.
- 通過Zoom軟件平台加入主日崇拜的信息。How to join online Sunday worship via Zoom
- Using the cell phone 使用手機參加會議(崇拜聚會)
- Using Zoom the first time 第一次使用Zoom
Download and install the Zoom Cloud Meeting App from the Google Play or iPhone App store
從Google Play或iPhone App商店下載並安裝Zoom Cloud Meeting App - Launch the Zoom app, click on “Join a Meeting”
啟動Zoom應用程序,點擊“加入會議” - In the next screen, enter the meeting ID and press the Join the meeting button. You have the option to join with video or Audio only
在下一個屏幕中,輸入會議ID 然後按加入會議按鈕。您可以選擇僅加入視頻或音頻
- After joining the meeting, select Call via Device Audio
加入會議後,選擇Call via Device Audio (不選擇Dial in) - Join the meeting on your computer使用電腦參加會議(崇拜聚會)
- Download and install the Zoom client software from the following link
通過以下鏈接下載並安裝Zoom客戶端軟件, 或更簡單地跳過第1步, 直接由第步開始https://zoom.us/client/latest/ZoomInstaller.exe - Click Join A Meeting and enter the meeting ID. Click the Join button to go into the meeting. 點擊加入按鈕進入會議(崇拜聚會)
- Following the Join Zoom meeting link in the email or type https://zoom.us/j/plus the meeting ID #, into the address bar on your Internet browser. Follow the on screen instruction to join the meeting.
點擊https://zoom.us/j/plus the meeting ID # 馬上進入網上崇拜
- Download and install the Zoom client software from the following link
- Join the meeting by phone to listen 通過電話參加網上崇拜 (只可以聽沒有視頻)
- Dial one of the following numbers +1 669 900 6833 撥打+1 669 900 6833
- Follow the instruction to enter the meeting ID
- After joining the meeting, select Call via Device Audio
- Listen or view the sermon after the worship
On your Internet browser, go the following web address https://logosbc.org/2020主日證道內容/
在您的Internet瀏覽器上,前往此網址 https://logosbc.org/2020主日證道內容/
For immediate assistance, please call Maggy at 408-707-7288